She (quite rightly) tells him to “get your ass off that track”. He asks a total stranger if she’d like to come and help ‘get him off’. The boy then asks a women (probably aged in her 50s or 60s) if they she wants to come and help. He moans and makes the sounds of someone experiencing orgasm. In one scene a boy lies at the bottom of an escalator, so that people have to step over his body and the towel that’s moving up and down in sync with his hand-over-groin movements. It’s lewd, inappropriate and entering into extremely dangerous territory.
“Today, we’re in Denmark and we’re filming a public video because we can,” they say at the beginning of the four-and-a-half-minute video that’s already been viewed more than 100,000 times. We’ve made a decision not to show the video but if you really want to you can view it here.
Their latest video is called ‘public wanking’ (charming, huh?) and in it, the five boys walk around a Danish shopping centre, lying on the ground, dropping their pants and pretending to masturbate under a while towel. A few boys from the suburbs of Melbourne who hit that YouTube jackpot and rode the Internet Fame Train after their homemade videos went viral. I’ve always thought of them as silly but innocent.